Senin, 15 November 2010

Rumahku Banjir

Rumahku sedang kebanjiran....inilah tingkah ku ketika banjir datang. Semua barang-barang dirumah pasti sudah di naikan ke tempat yang lebih tinggi. Hujan yang datang di langit Jakarta setiap sore membuat aku dan seisi rumah sedikit ketakutan sebab air hujan yang akan mengakibatkan banjir.

Sebisa mungkin aku dan yang lain, membuat bendungan kecil di setiap celah-celah rumah yang akan dilewati banjir. Semua kain pel sudah diturunkan sebagai jagaan air di lubang air.

Tetapi air juga tak kunjujung reda. Lama-lama kain pel tadi pun tak sanggup menahan beban air yang deras. Sehingga apa daya kerja keras sudah sia-sia. Air sudah mulai memasuki kamar mandi dan menuju kamar. Pertama air datang aku dan keluarga sudah mencoba membuang sebagian air ke luar tetapi lama-lama kami semua capai dan membiarkannya begitu saja.

Untung banjir nya tidak terlalu tinggi, hanya sekitar 20 cm. Tapi banjir tetaplah banjir yang membawa kelelahan. Sambil menunggu hujan reda dan air surut aku malah foto-foto untuk menunggu kelelahan.

Setelahsekitar dua jam menunggu air sudah surut aku dan keluarga kembali bergegas membereskan rumah dari air banjir.....

Pahlawan Indonesia

Berlari meuju medan perang
Menumpas ketidakpastian
Berjalan menuju lapang
Merebut keinginan

Mencari kebenaran
Walaupun harus jual Nyawa
Mencari kemenangan
Walaupun harus beli Kepercayaan

Dibalik bukit mereka bersembunyi
Dengan hias coreng bak topeng lakon
Dibawa senjata mereka berperang
Dengan bambu rucing bak pancingan ikan

Teriakan mereka hanya untuk Indonesia
Berlari tanpa Alas hanya untuk Indonesia
Menukarkan Nyawanya hanya untuk Indonesia
Tidak pernah mengeluh hanya untuk Indonesia

Merekalah Pahlawan Indonesia
Mereka tak pernah kena lelah berjuang
Semua hanya untuk MERDEKA
Semua hanya untuk Indonesia Kita

One Of The Indonesian Culture

Indonesian cultural variety is here. Various forms exist in this country face. This country is all kind of variety. I already know about Indonesia since I was born. I was born in Indonesia's capital. The metropolis they call it. All Facilities There are many here. From a good stop to stop anything bad there, the luxury bus until the bus was there too dilapidated.

Not only capital is only Indonesia has a lot to the uniqueness that is very different from other countries. Although I never went to the Foreign Affairs merasaskan but never thought to leave Indonesiaku pang of this.

Its uniqueness is created from many islands in Indonesia that many, diverse Ethnicity, Culture and Languages area unique. I wanted to enjoy it all but I just could menikamti few.

One example I ever went studytour dGarut In West Java. Cool and beautiful places there that are well known in developed regions of West Java there are villages whose names Kampung Pulo. It sounds normal but there is a little unique story. Passing through the winding roads and sign kesebuah major roads there are many houses made of walls. And there is a wide lake. When we cross the lake there is a village which only consists of 6 Kampung Pulo contained in a small island called Long Island. Long island called because its shape elongated from west to east with an area of 16.5 ha. On this island, in addition there are traditional villages, there are also ancient site of temple and tomb Cangkuang Eyang Arif Muhammad, which no other is the ancestor and founder of the Kampung Pulo. In addition to Long Island, next door also has two other islands are smaller and slightly rounded shape. All around this small island is a watery swamp land. Villages that contains only six houses with 6 heads of households and 21 residents.

Kampung Pulo is a small hamlet historical relic of the past. The village is situated in the village of Leles Cangkuang District, located 17 km from the city of Garut, or about 50 km from the city of Bandung. Geographically, toward the village of Pulo is not too easy. The first way, had to cross a small lake named Situ Cangkuang. The second way, by walking across the yard Cangkuang rice fields owned by village residents. The latter were pretty far away because it had to take the route play.

The air is relatively cool area, because it is situated at an altitude of 700 m above sea level. Along the way to the village of Leles Cangkuang, will be posted the beautiful expanse of verdant paddy fields. To the north seem Mount Haruman, west of Mount Mandalawangi and towering Mount Guntur.

My Beloved Country Have Been Disaster

what is happening in Indonesia? as though all eyes should be focused on my country. The disaster came suddenly struck my beloved country.three points in indonesia have been affected.

First,Victims of disasters caused flash floods in Wasior, West Papua, continues to grow. Until this morning, the death toll have been found to reach 134 people.

This was conveyed by Secretary West Papua PMI Legal Abidin when contacted on Saturday (08/10/2010). He explained that the death toll have been found consisting of 105 plus 29 people who earlier reported missing have been found with the condition have died. Thus, the total death toll reached 134 people.

"We continue to search other victims," said Abidin. Residents, he said, in desperate need of supplies of mineral water and groceries. "The source of water damage, broken toilets, the house was heavily damaged, so the need of mineral water, sanitation, and food because most of the shops are closed because many businessmen who flee to Manokwari," he explained.

Furthermore, he said, aid continues to flow but constrained transportation. Currently, PMI data collection activities are still carried and began to distribute the logistics of familykid 250, babykit 90. "In addition to spraying in several locations," he added.

As is known, flash floods in West Papua occur on Monday, October 4, 2010 approximately at 06:00 CET. Scene is located in Bay County Wondama, West Papua province in which location is affected Wasior I, Wasior II, Rado, Mom, Maniwak, Manggurai, Wondamawi, and Wondiboy. (Ram)

On Television, Radio, Magazine, all off media in Indonesia. just mourning after the disaster that befell Wasior. And Then we hear more news about the disaster in the Mentawai, West Sumatera. As the still ongoing search for victims, the latest data states that the death toll from the earthquake and tsunami in Mentawai District, West Sumatra, through Saturday recorded reached 447 people.

Data on the number of deaths was released after this day at around 16:00 pm Search and Rescue team found two more bodies of victims. According to the Disaster Kabid.Penanggulangan BPBD Sumatra, Ade Edwar, entered the day 12 after the tsunami, the people who have not found 57 people. He said the death toll data is compiled by BPBD further reported to BPBD Mentawai West Sumatra. "Every single one hour BPBD Mentawai West Sumatra BPBD report on data on deaths and missing people," he said.

Victims of injuries treated in emergency hospitals and health centers Sikakap carrying 173 people were seriously injured and 325 slight injuries. The number of Mentawai located in places as many as 15,353 displaced people.

Home residents who suffered damage caused by the tsunami as many as 517 units were severely damaged, while 204 units were damaged. School buildings damaged six units.

Official House 4 units were severely damaged, 2 heavily damaged units Resort Resort Marcaroni and Kateit ie, 1 unit of cruise ship on fire, 1 unit of cruise ships were slightly damaged.

Houses of Worship, 7 units were severely damaged, damaged public facilities in the event of an earthquake followed by tsunami that is 7 units bridges, roads along the 8 km P2D damaged.Rescue teams are still searching for missing people and the death toll from the earthquake and tsunami.
undergoing emergency treatment at hospitals and health centers Sikakap, Mentawai, injury is also referred to the Hospital M Jamil Padang.

Victims who are undergoing treatment in hospital M Jamil Padang 13 people. One of the victims in the name of Nelly allowed to go home, a baby born after the earthquake and tsunamis reportedly died in hospital.

And I Hope the last the disaster in Indonesia is Merapi.Merapi volcano erupts with clouds of heat release on Tuesday (26/10). The eruption occurred since at 17:02 pm. "From 17:02 am until 17:34 pm happened four times to the present cloud of heat and hot clouds continue to emerge one after another after not stop," said Head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation of Geological Surono in Yogyakarta.

According to Surono, the emergence of the hot cloud is a sign as the eruption of Mount Merapi. The first heat clouds that showed up at 17:02 pm was heading west. But the next hot clouds can not be monitored well as weather conditions at the peak of Merapi quite dark and raining.

Siren danger in Kaliurang, Sleman, rang at 17:57 pm. At 18:05 am, Hall Kegunungapian Investigation and Technology Development (BPPTK) Yogyakarta withdraw all personnel from the observation post.

"In 2006, hot clouds occur for seven minutes, but at this year's hot clouds have occurred more than 20 minutes," said Surono. The duration of hot clouds showed considerable energy.

At 18:00 pm there was an eruption three times the sound of the postal and postal Selo whole observatories followed by smoke billowing as high as 1.5 kilometers heading south. "This type of explosive eruptions of Merapi has been ascertained,".

The data observed from the Center for Communications Ministry of Health, to Thursday (11/11) afternoon, the victim died from the eruption of Mount Merapi, reaching 198 people. Where 163 died in Sleman, 17 at Magelang, 15 in Klaten and three in Boyolali.

While the refugees until the last monitored totaled 303,233 persons. And most are in Magelang district as many as 82,994 people. Observed when these refugees scattered in ten districts of the city, including Bantul, Kendal, Purworejo and Wonosobo.

Established health posts increased again to 442 posts compared to the previous day as many as 440 postal. The majority of health posts located in Central Java and Yogyakarta as many as 362 post Shebaniah 80 posts.

To help victims of trim, also established three field hospitals which are all located in Magelang. Jogjakarta Health Department and the Ministry of Health is also strengthening against the Sardjito Hospital in serving the victims of disaster.

Tsunami Mentawai
While the victims died in the tsunami Mentawai to Thursday (11/11) afternoon recorded 448 dead. While 40 others remain hospitalized. Refugees numbered 7362 persons. While health officials continue to monitor environmental health, including spraying disinfectant.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, Agung Laksono said that at this time already built 20 temporary shelters (huntara) for tsunami victims Wasior Wondama Bay Mentawai.

To build huntara Marines deployed 400 troops, 400 Kodam UB, 150 and 200 assistance territorial persons from the community. Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare hope this will further accelerate the development huntara.

I Hope My beloved country can rise and can become even tighter kinship among nations.

Refresi : *,,